[eigen] Adding new robotics projects using Eigen in "Projects using Eigen" Documentation
Justin Carpentier
2018-08-27 09:08:51 UTC
Dear Eigen's developers,

I would like to mention some projects that we have been developing for
robotic applications and that are based on Eigen:

_In Robotics section:_

*Pinocchio:* a fast and efficient Rigid Body Dynamics library

*The Humanoid Path Planner:* a software for Motion and Manipulation
Planning (https://github.com/humanoid-path-planner)

_In Bindings section:_

*Eigenpy*: Efficient bindings between Numpy and Eigen using Boost.Python
with support of the Geometry module

Thanks in advance for adding these projects to the list.

Justin Carpentier
Christoph Hertzberg
2018-08-27 12:24:08 UTC

thanks for the announcements.

Post by Justin Carpentier
Dear Eigen's developers,
I would like to mention some projects that we have been developing for
_In Robotics section:_
*Pinocchio:* a fast and efficient Rigid Body Dynamics library
*The Humanoid Path Planner:* a software for Motion and Manipulation
Planning (https://github.com/humanoid-path-planner)
_In Bindings section:_
*Eigenpy*: Efficient bindings between Numpy and Eigen using Boost.Python
with support of the Geometry module
Thanks in advance for adding these projects to the list.
Justin Carpentier
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hertzberg

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Robotics Innovation Center
Robert-Hooke-Straße 5
28359 Bremen, Germany

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28359 Bremen, Germany

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E-Mail: ***@dfki.de

Weitere Informationen: http://www.dfki.de/robotik
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